What was it like to watch everything back last night? Because your elimination involved so many emotions in the moment. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling seeing it all happen again.David Hernandez: In the moment, we felt so close to the finish line. But the, race was so tight. Everyone was so close.Aubrey Ares: It was crazy watching it back. Because all those emotions that we felt in that moment, I can attest that I felt again. I was even getting teary-eyed. Because there’s nothing like racing for that last race. That’s the one that really mattered up until the million-dollar race. And we came to a moment where we had to make a strong decision. And, honestly, I wouldn’t take back the decision that we made.Let’s talk about that decision, referring to the one to quit the last task of the leg. You see Emily and Molly pass you, and you pretty much know that you’re done. At the same time, David is clearly having a tough time in the water. Talk me through your thoughts in the moment when you decide that it’s enough.David: I remember vividly. I remember swimming, and them being next to us. And knowing that it was us or them. Both of us on  are our second attempt. And once I saw Molly and Emily leave, the world came down on me. I was like, “There’s no way I’m gonna make it around quick enough. Because it was yet again a memory challenge. It was a little difficult to process in the moment, but I tried my best to contain myself. I feel like towards the end you could actually see that I was getting very emotional. I was getting a knot in my throat.Aubrey: I think the hard part was watching the struggle of my partner. I mentioned on the show that we’ve known each other for so long that I can tell when he’s under stress, especially working together as a dance couple. Watching him conquer his fear the first time in the Roadblock I was like, “Wow, he did it. Amazing.” But then we when we had to get back in for the second one and I saw him taking deep breaths, everything that had to do with the race went out of my head, and my focus was making sure that he was okay. We didn’t memorize anything. Everything was a guess because I was just so focused on making sure he was okay. And the assistants were around us for most of that challenge, because I think they were even unsure how he was gonna do in the water.We saw Marcus last week really beat himself up about his elimination, saying he cost his brother $500,000. David, were you feeling that in any way as you realized that you would be eliminated?David: Yeah, so there was a sense of guilt. There was a sense of feeling responsible for us not making it to the next round. But what did help me deal with that emotion was how supportive Aubrey was. Right before we took the penalty, she said, “Your limits are my limits, and I’m not going to put you at risk. I can’t concentrate. I can’t focus. I can’t even attempt to go in there if I know that you’re not okay.” So that just that added with the fact that I actually tried my best. And I didn’t do it once; I did it twice! So that kind of over overrode the guilt and responsible emotions. Yeah, it sucks that we didn’t make it. And yeah, I did take half a million dollars away from her.Aubrey: But I don’t see it that way. I really don’t. We were alternates on the show to begin with. Every single leg was a success for us. And people have have mentioned to me, “Oh, you guys are always in the back of the pack.” But we ran 11 out of the 12 races . There’s no other way to look at that. Every single time, whether we were in first, second, or second to last. (Laughs.) It didn’t matter to us. We were just so grateful to have that experience. And if we went out on a penalty, we went out on a penalty. At least we went out together and engaged!Yes! We will definitely get into that. I want to dig into something you just mentioned. People may not know this, but you were alternates for the season, finding out hours before that you were going to be on. Talk about your mental headspace through the first leg, especially considered it was something brand-new with the “Scramble.“David: I think we both agree that we didn’t get the chance to mentally prepare. When you get a call to be an official member of the cast, you turn. You’re in comp mode. You’re like, “I’m gonna do this, I need to prepare.” When you get the call to be an alternate, it’s like, “Should I prepare? Do I need to prepare? Who’s gonna drop out of the show?“Aubrey: Who’s gonna drop out of The Amazing Race? We didn’t process those circumstances. But we got the call. And we never even had a moment to prepare and take each other in and be like, “Okay, this is what we’re going to do.” It was just kind of like go mode from the beginning. So I feel like that helped us. But it also went against us most of the time. (Laughs.)David: 90% of the time. (Laughs.)As you’re alluding to, you end up finishing in second-to-last four times over the course of the season. And one of the unique things about The Amazing Race is that as long as you’re not finishing in last place, you’re succeeding. But I also know in talking with several teams that having a brush with elimination can make you view things differently. Did you experience that as well?David: We always analyze our mistakes. But I feel like what did help us was getting used to coming in the back of the pack. It was stressful. Our focus was not to be eliminated. But we were comfortable, like you said, coming in. Because we our number one goal was that ultimate race.Aubrey: And honestly, it helped us. Because people kind of started catching on that we were always coming in the back of the pack. So when people saw us get to a Roadblock, people would be like, “Oh, no, we gotta hurry.” Mistakes were starting to be made in the other partnerships. But we were so used to being last we passed X amount of people. (Laughs.) So it almost became like our tactic. Tthe moment we got in people knew that we were going to get through the challenge quickly. It was just our navigation that kind of threw us off. (Laughs.)Yeah, we’ve got to talk about what happened in Toulouse. It’s arguably the biggest moment of conflict we see from any team this season, as you argued about navigation. Talk me through what was a big moment in not only your race, but I’m assuming your relationship as well.David: That was the tipping point of not our participation in the race, but also, to a certain extent, our relationship. Throughout the legs, we were bad at navigation. But that one there are less and less teams now. We’re going back and forth. We’re going in circles. And I was overruled by the anxiety and by the stress.Aubrey: And David’s driving, and he’s getting my directions, and I’m not very confident in my direction giving. So I can imagine how that gets frustrating with him. But truthfully, I personally feel that if that issue hadn’t happened, we wouldn’t be as strong as we are today as a couple. Because after that, we went back to the drawing board. And we were like, “Listen, we need to talk about this, because clearly our communication isn’t working.” After we made it through Toulouse, we went back to our hotel room, and we talked for probably a good like eight hours straight. We didn’t even sleep. We talked through the beginning of our relationship,  preparing for the show, the things that happened in the show. That was such a pivotal moment in the show for us, but also in the relationship.David: Absolutely. I remember having conversations about personality and patience and traits that we have that the other person doesn’t have. So we got a better understanding of how to communicate what we need, what I need from her, what she needs from me.Aubrey: And it helped because the next leg was Spain, and we got second place!Aubrey, you said at one point that you had a competitive side that you were holding back on for most of the race. Why was that the case?Aubrey: Truthfully, I grew up in a very competitive atmosphere. I’ve been competing since I was three years old, and dance and competition to me, I need to process it mentally put it in a structure and then see it through. It was so difficult for me thrown into this now. We obviously knew there was a possibility that we were going to be on the race. But when we didn’t initially make the cast, it was like we were on a cliffhanger. I didn’t feel like we prepared as a couple. And so it was just emergency mode the entire time. And I wish I would have been more competitive, because I am very competitive. And I think that threw our game off a little bit because David’s used to me being competitive. But on the race, I was just like, “Oh my gosh, I have to do directions? I have to navigate us from the backseat? (Laughs.) David: It’s funny, because I’ve seen her prepare for dance competitions. And she’s focused. She’s in her zone. Going into the race, I was surprised. I was like, “Where’s the Aubrey that I know?” It took a little bit of work.Aubrey: That was Germany. I remember we came in 11 out of 12 teams, and we went back [to the hotel]. We were dead. And then he sat on the bed and was like, “I’m just confused.” (Laughs.)David: I was in such a “go mode.” Like, let’s go, let’s go. And I felt like she was just more like, “No, let’s just take our time. Take it easy. Just process what we’re doing.” Aubrey: It’s like we switched. So it was, again, a learning experience for us. There are things that are not as confident in and there are things that he is completely competent in.I’m super intrigued to hear what you think about your edit. I know myself and a lot of fans felt we didn’t really get to know you until later in the race. What’s your reaction to watching your story back?Aubrey: I kind of feel like you didn’t really get to know us until maybe France, when I had my moment. (Laughs.) Our moment, but more me giving a little bit of drama. I think we were happy to see that everyone had their moment. And maybe it came into play that we were alternates, because it seems like our story wasn’t–David: It wasn’t tailored. Everyone else a certain type of guideline to follow their story.Aubrey: I kind of felt like we didn’t really have a story until maybe France. And that’s just how the edit fell. It’s what they felt like what was best for the show. And we’re just grateful that they got to see at least a little bit of us during France and Spain, and then obviously Iceland.Well let’s end on a happier note. I need to hear how this engagement happened. Was this something already in the works before the race? Or did racing around the world together prompt you to do it?David: You hit it on the nail. I feel like The Amazing Race experience overall just like solidified my goal and my plan. I had a goal to propose to her this year. When we started going through The Amazing Race process, it amplified it. I was like, “Okay, this is the time.” When we came back., she had a trip to New York for like a week. I initially wasn’t supposed to go because I was already gone all that time for the show. And then I was able to go and I planned around it. So that Sunday when she wasn’t working, I kept telling her, “Babe, I want to take a really nice picture. I want to go to Central Park take a really nice picture. I never ask you for pictures, but just give me this one picture.“Aubrey: I literally complained the entire time the whole time. “Why am I wearing heels to go to a park? David, this better be worth it.” (Laughs.) But he’s right. He never asked for a nice picture. So I was like, “Okay, I’ll do it.” We’re walking up and I hear music playing. And we’re on this secluded island inside of Central Park. And there’s music; I’m singing it. And I decided that I was just going to call it my friends to have us meet us there. (Laughs.) I didn’t know what was going on. We’re all singing. David is at the front of the pack. And I’m like, “What is he doing?” We get there. We’re standing at the lake. He’s holding on to me. And then “Marry Me” by Train started playing. And the guy that was playing the song was like, “Aubrey, this one’s for you.” And I was like…(Turns slowly to David.) David literally grabbed my hand and he was just like…(Mimes getting down on one knee.)David: I remember doing all that preparation work. I contacted a guitarist, I had him appear to seem like a street performer. I had a lady taking pictures, but the angle that they were in made it seem like she was taking pictures of him playing with Central Park in the background.Aubrey: There was so much detail that went into it. He made the guy wear normal clothes who was singing. He wanted him to look like a street performer. So I didn’t put it together. But just the details. I mean, I said this on the race. David is so amazing with details. I cried. I still cry. I can’t even watch our proposal video. But we’re getting married!Next, read our interview with Marcus and Michael Craig, who were eliminated in The Amazing Race 34 Episode 10.