From all appearances, it would seem that beige is another new color option. It has been seen on TikTok and has many people Googling, “What does beige mean in gender reveal?”  Although beige is a popular color for most of the decorations at this kind of celebration, the inside confetti of a beige balloon is usually pink or blue to signify a girl or boy. So, what if the confetti is beige instead? When that was seen on a TikTok video gone viral, it left many people scratching their heads.

What Does Beige Mean in a Gender Reveal?

This video (viewed over two million times and counting) has caused all kinds of questions and comments. What could a beige color possibly mean at a gender reveal party?  The creator of the viral video says, “It’s a play on words. Bebe (baby) + beige (color): bebeige. It’s a silly thing, just like me…..” However, many people were not satisfied with this answer and have been left speculating. One commenter gives what is the most logical explanation: “It’s a girl, she explained that because of the lights it seems beige or white but it’s pink.” That specific comment has nearly 1,000 likes. So, what it boils down to is that it’s much ado about nothing. There is no secret meaning or gender-neutral implication. It’s simply how the color pink looks with the lighting in that particular video.  The next video shows a gender reveal party with beige decorations but when the inside of the soccer ball is broken apart, you can see the reveal without a doubt. A more vibrant pink is probably the best way to go as an option for your own party! Of course, if you wanted to keep your guests in suspense, there is no better way than to use a neutral color like beige as a gender reveal. Here is what some people are saying along those lines. Next Up: ‘Ellen’ Star Sophia Grace Reveals Sex of Her First Child