Oh, Tannenbaum!

Every president since CalvinCoolidge in 1923 has flipped the switch at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, taking place this year on December 2. The tree is surrounded by the Pathway of Peace, a walkway open to the public that includes 56 state and territory trees adorned with student-designed ornaments. Want to plan a visit? Go to the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony site for information.

Ruling the Roost

Presidents have long been showered with gifts—a zebra from Abyssinia (now northern Ethiopia) for TeddyRoosevelt, two pandas from China for RichardNixon—but LinaMann, historian at the White House Historical Association, says one of the most common holiday gifts has been poultry, dating back to the 1870s when Horace Vose, known as the poultry king of Rhode Island, sent a turkey to President Ulysses S. Grant. He fed 11 presidents over four decades.

By the Chimney With Care

There’s always an orange in our stockings, says current first lady JillBiden. “My grandmom always stuck one in the toe, I think because she lived through the Depression. They didn’t have a lot, so an orange was truly a coveted piece of fruit.”

Deck the (Many) Halls

JacquelineKennedy began the tradition of picking themes for the Blue Room with her 1961 Nutcracker tree. BarbaraBush honored family literacy with miniature book ornaments and 80 soft-sculpture characters from literature, including Babar. And MichelleObama’s 2010 theme of “Simple Gifts” featured a tree decked in prize ribbons from state and county fairs across the country. You can see this year’s decorations December 12 on HGTV’s annual White House Christmas special.

Festive Friendship

We can’t forget one of the most shocking (and Christmas-card-worthy) holiday photos. It features first lady NancyReagan on the lap of good friend Mr. T, who was dressed as Santa Claus—cut-off sleeves, gold jewelry, combat boots and all—in 1983.

Esteemed Guests

Who better to bring joy to the world than Sesame Street’s Big Bird? The cheery character has become a frequent guest of the White House, caroling for the Carter family, chatting with the Obamas and holding hands with PatNixon, who first invited the yellow-feathered star in 1970.

Winter Wonderland

For years, the Eisenhower administration held the record for most trees in the White House with 26, but the Trumps’ 2018 “American Treasures” theme, which included 41 trees and more than 40 topiaries, holds the current No. 1 spot.

Don’t Try This at Home!

“They always braved the hazards of fire,” said White House butler AlonzoFields in his 1960 memoir. He was recalling President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s cherished (and not-so-safe) tradition of adorning the East Hall tree with lit candles.

Sweet Institution

A candy-adorned tradition, the official holiday gingerbread house is made by pastry chefs and evolves year after year—from a simple German A-frame in 1969 to a nearly 100-pound replica of the 1993 White House (designed to scale) that even included marzipan sculptures of the Clintons’ cat, Socks.

Santa’s Helpers

Because 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue functions as a public space as well as a private residence, about 400 staff members and volunteers are tapped to decorate the famous rooms. There’s even a warehouse that stores generations of vintage knickknacks and décor.

Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 48Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 70Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 25Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 99Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 51Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 18Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 58Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 30Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 9Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 1Holidays at the White House  Check Out These Festive First Family Traditions and Decorations - 20