Hausman shares, “I wrote this song when I started to realize the person I was in love with was wrong for me. Our relationship was so toxic and I knew I needed to walk away, but he made me feel something I had never felt before. I knew I was being used and manipulated, but I was so scared of falling into apathy, so I stayed way longer than I should have. Writing this helped process my conflicting feelings and I wanted the video to showcase these same emotions that I felt while writing the song.” Watch now: Hausman digs deeper about the meaning behind this simple but powerful video: “We filmed three different scenes to represent three different phases of emotions I was experiencing at the time. The first scene in the blue room represents numbness, apathy, and fear. In this scene I’m basically alone with my thoughts, trapped in my room trying to figure out what to do next. For so long I had been ignoring all of the emotional abuse he was putting me through because it was easier to forgive him than to walk away. We were best friends before we dated and I knew if I left he would never be in my life again. “The rain room represents the sadness and loneliness I felt when I realized I needed to walk away. I view this scene as an expression of mourning the love I thought I had. I was only able to walk away from the relationship when I realized that I had fallen in love with a lie all along. At this point, I didn’t know who I was or what I liked, or what I wanted without this person. At the same time, this scene represents washing all of these lies away and starting over. “The third location in the underpass represents freedom. This scene was super important to me because a year earlier, my ex and I had a photo and video shoot for a song we wrote together in this very same location. Filming this was the first time I had come back to the location since. It felt so freeing to come back on my own because I had felt trapped in that relationship for so long. There are times where I was scared I wouldn’t be able to get out of it. Coming back a year later, I finally felt like myself and I was free. The song ends with the realization that even after walking away, there will be times when you still long for that person, even if you know life is better without them.” Newly signed to Quadio Records, Hannah Hausman is no stranger to the Quadio app among other social media platforms, like TikTok, to drive her project forward. The newcomer has a knack for collaborating with other creatives worldwide, even if just from her bedroom, and has released music with Munn, Nextlife, RYANVIII, and more. With 50,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and over 1 million streams on her 2018 debut “lost in Brooklyn” - all racked up prior to her label signing with playlist support on New Music Friday (US), Brand New Chill, Pop Right Now, It’s a Bop, and more - you wouldn’t believe that Hannah lost her voice for a full year after a painful virus hit her unexpectedly. There were days in that period when Hannah thought she might never speak again, let alone sing. But she never stopped fighting her way back, working for hours each day on her own and with a vocal therapist in Nashville. Her voice was gone, but her dream was not. “It’s crazy backward, I know,” she said, “because at the moment I was so sad about it. But I realize now I had to lose my voice to find my real voice.” Next, do people who are tone-deaf hear music differently?