We all know how tough it can be to keep the numbers on the scale stable. Unless you’ve got a naturally great metabolism, maintaining your weight takes some smart strategies, especially if you lost weight recently: According to data cited by Cleveland Clinic, 80-95% of people who have lost weight regain it.  But there’s hope: A study from California Polytechnic State University followed close to 5,000 former members of Weight Watchers (WW) who initially lost an average of 50 pounds, and maintained this for over three years.  How did they do it?  Through very specific daily intentions, including keeping a food diary, deciding what they would eat each day, measuring portions, and letting past accomplishments and a positive attitude get them through any fluctuations in pounds. So, what’s the most important  building block for weight management? “Consistency,” says Caroline Susie, RDN, LD, based in Dallas, Texas and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  “When you make small changes over time, you’re likely to create new healthy habits and adhere to them.  When you make disruptive or drastic changes, like eliminating an entire food group or following a restrictive diet, those changes are not sustainable,” she explains. “As soon as you stop the diet, the weight returns. And that’s not fun for anyone!  Small, attainable changes lead to long term behavior patterns.” You also need to be patient.  “When a person is trying to make health related changes, oftentimes if they don’t meet their goals or don’t see success right away, they can feel discouraged and want to give up,” says  Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, a board-certified sports dietitian in Las Vegas, Nevada. “But it’s about making smart goals—smart, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.” Another key component: not going at it alone. “Having a support system, which you get when you work with a registered dietician, can be very helpful when you’re trying to maintain your weight,” says Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWN, LDN,Academy of Nutrition national media Spokesperson and bariatric surgery coordinator at Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta, Georgia. Here, experts offer 15 of the best habits you can adopt right now to successfully maintain your weight. 

Habits of people who never gain weight

They avoid an “all or nothing” attitude

“If you eat something high in fat, calories, or sugar, just do better at the next meal or snack,” says Susie.  “Don’t let this ruin your day.  If you get a flat tire, you change it.  You don’t slash the other three tires! Also, remember that food does not have moral value. You are not  ‘bad’ because you didn’t choose the healthiest food.”

They have a source of protein with every meal and snack

“Be sure to spread out your intake of protein evenly throughout the day, and into each meal and snack you consume,” advises Ehsani.  “Many people tend to eat foods low in protein earlier in the day, then have a big portion of protein at dinner time.  However,  your body doesn’t store protein and can’t metabolize large amounts at one time. Try to eat every four to five hours if you can.  Protein also keeps you full for longer, which can help you maintain your weight.”

 They’re flexible

“It’s important to regularly reassess your goals,” Majumbar points out. “For example, you may expect at first you’ll be able to exercise for 150 minutes a week and maintain your weight, but you may find you need 200-300 minutes of exercise instead.  Think of weight maintenance as embarking on a challenge, and have realistic expectations.”

They indulge in cravings

“If you want a small cookie, have the small cookie and move on,” says Susie.  “You’ll feel satisfied and most likely will consume fewer calories.  If you want a small cookie, but instead try to satisfy the craving with a banana, then a few more bananas, you might end up consuming more calories than if you just ate the small cookie.”

They hydrate all day long

“Often we think we are hungry when in reality we are just thirsty,” says Ehsani.   “Be sure to drink water all day long. Carry a water bottle with you and have a glass of water in your line of vision, on your desk at work, or next to you while you’re watching TV.”

They eat a varied diet

“I am a big believer that all foods can fit into a healthy diet,” says Susie.  “Foods high in fiber and healthy fats are wonderful—they’ll keep you fuller for longer!  Lean protein foods are another great option to help with satiety.  Incorporate whole eggs, avocados, salmon, beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, unsalted mixed nuts, and of course, fruits & veggies.”

 They exercise in a way that makes them happy

“Find an exercise you really enjoy,” says Ehsani.  “If you push yourself to do something you don’t like, your workouts won’t last long.  It’s best to find an activity or form of movement you enjoy so you can stick to it and do it often, because staying active regularly is key to maintaining your weight.”

They eat the rainbow

“Fruits and veggies are our most nutrient dense food; they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and low in calories,“says Ehsani. “Think up ways you can add fruits and veggies into meals and snacks you already enjoy eating. For example, if you love to eat eggs in the morning, add your favorite veggies such as mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach.  If you love soups or chili, throw on a variety of veggies—from your fridge, freezer, or canned.  Or if you love to have a sandwich or wrap at lunch time, stuff some greens, tomatoes and cucumber slices in it to add more nutrition. Consumption of fruits and veggies has even been linked to increased levels of happiness!”

They aren’t rigid about diet

“There’s no evidence that supports the idea that you have to eat one particular food all the time to keep your weight stable,” says Majumdar. “You don’t have to eat exactly at certain times of the day, or at a certain frequency, or just eat low-fat or just eat low-carb. It’s up to you—what healthy foods make you feel full, and make you happy?  Weight management is about what works for you as an individual.”

They eat slowly 

“Many of us eat more quickly than we should,” Ehsani points out. “But eating is one of the most pleasurable experiences we get as humans, and eating quickly may cause an upset stomach, bloating, or belching. Slow eaters tend to enjoy their food more, notice all the flavors, plus tend to stop eating when they are satisfied and are less likely to overeat.”

They eat lots of fiber

“Fiber keeps us full for longer and supports a healthy gut,” says Ehsani.  “Eating foods rich in dietary fiber is essential for keeping you full for longer so can help you maintain your weight and even lose weight. You don’t need to add a fiber supplement or eat foods with added fiber, but choose foods naturally already high in dietary fiber.  For example, whole wheat bread, brown rice and whole wheat pasta will get you more fiber. Adding fruits and veggies into your meals and snacks will ensure you are eating lots of fiber, too, and adding beans, lentils, nuts and seeds into your diet is a great way to increase your fiber consumption as well.” 

They don’t multitask when they’re eating 

“Most of us are always trying to multitask—eating lunch while working, eating a snack and driving, eating dinner and watching TV or eating while looking at our phones,” says Ehsani. “But taking time to turn off the distractions and really pay attention to your plate will make you enjoy it more.  Notice the different sensory experiences like the flavor and smell of your food–this will help you notice fullness cues, so you stop eating when you are satisfied.”

They don’t obsess over calories

“Yes, be cognizant of portion sizes—portion distortion is a real thing.” says Susie.  “But be inclusive instead of exclusive—for instance, add fruits and vegetables instead of eliminating an entire food group.  Also, honor your hunger cues. If your body is telling you it’s hungry, eat. And don’t skip meals to ‘save calories’—you’ll  just overeat later.”

They focus on overall wellness

“You always want to focus on the “3 s’s” … self-care, sleep and stress management,” says Majumdar.  “Balance in all aspects of your life makes it easier to focus on smart goals.  Not sleeping well in particular can make it physically and emotionally harder to maintain your weight.”

They allow for slip-ups

“Remember that one meal or snack won’t make or break your health,” sums up Ehsani.  “No one is perfect. It’s absolutely okay and normal to forget to eat veggies one day or eat too much at a dinner party or at a restaurant. Enjoy the moment and give yourself compassion.” Next up: Experts Explain Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight


Cleveland Clinic , “Why People Diet, Lose Weight and Gain it All Back”California Polytechnic State University, “Behavioral and Psychological Strategies of LOng-Term Weight Loss Maintainers in a Widely Available Weight Management ProgramCaroline Susie, RD/LDNRoxana Ehsani MS, RD, CSSD, LDNMelissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWM, LDN Habits People Who Never Gain Weight Swear By - 42