Is your home a cold incubator? You know what we’re talking about: One family member catches a cold and before long, everyone is sick. There are over 200 viruses that cause the common cold and the average adult in the United States gets up to four colds each year (kids get up to six or eight per year!), adding up to one billion colds every year. But what exactly is a cold and how can you tell if your sneezing, coughing and stuffy nose are caused by a cold or something else—like the flu or COVID-19? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is the Common Cold and What Causes it?

The common cold is a contagious respiratory viral illness, passed on from person to person. The most common cold virus is called a rhinovirus and it causes about half of all colds. So, how do you get a cold? It’s amazingly easy, as you probably already know. You either breathe in the virus or you introduce it by touch. If someone close by has a cold and coughs or sneezes around you, you can breathe in the droplets and the virus through your nose. This is an aerosol or droplet transfer. Or they may have touched their nose or mouth, then touched a door handle just before you do, leaving some virus on the surface. Then you touch the door handle and your skin picks up the virus. If you touch your face, particularly your eyes, nose or mouth, before you’ve washed your hands, you introduce the virus into your body. This is a direct transfer. You now have a cold. If you’re lucky, your immune system can fight off the cold virus leaving you with only mild symptoms. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case and you can end up with a cold that makes you feel awful. Colds are around us all year round, but people tend to catch them more in the winter or during bad weather seasons because we are indoors and in closer contact than in good weather, when windows are open and we can spend more time outdoors.

Common Cold Symptoms

Most people who catch a cold recognize the symptoms right away, but sometimes they may wonder if they have an allergy, the flu or, now, COVID-19, since so many symptoms are the same. These are the most common cold symptoms:

Runny noseStuffy, congested nose (nasal congestion)SneezingCoughingSore or scratchy throatHeadacheMild body aches

Some people with colds also develop sinus pressure headaches, according to Philip D. Junglas, MD, an internist at the Cleveland Clinic. What about fevers? While you may have a mild one, fevers are not common among adults who have colds. Fevers are a bit more common among children who have a cold.

How Is the Common Cold Different From the Flu?

So, how does a cold differ from influenza (the flu)? The influenza virus is also a respiratory virus, which explains why there are so many common symptoms. But the flu can make you much sicker than a cold virus can. Fevers are common, even in adults, and the flu causes stronger body aches and makes you feel terrible. Generally, colds are not serious unless you have a medical problem, such as asthma, that can worsen with colds. On the other hand, influenza can lead to life-threatening complications, like pneumonia and sepsis, even among people who are usually quite healthy. The other big difference is the flu can often be prevented. Every year, new vaccines are produced to protect us from the seasonal flu, the one that makes the rounds every winter and spring. There are no vaccines for the common cold.

Common Cold Treatments

As common as the cold is, there is no cure or vaccine. Cold treatments and medications help manage symptoms, not the virus itself. Corey Fisher, DO, a family medicine physician with the Cleveland Clinic, says that the best cold treatment is the “tincture of time,” meaning that the cold will pass. There is a saying that a cold will last a week if you don’t treat it, seven days if you do. Of course, some people recover a bit faster and others more slowly, but a week is the average length of time the virus stays in your system. Some symptoms can linger even after the cold virus is gone though. For example, chest congestion and a cough can linger for weeks, Dr. Fisher explains. That being said, treating the symptoms of the common cold can make your life easier. Here are some examples.

Natural home remedies for a cold:

Rest and plenty of fluids are the top home remedies for a cold. “Hydration is essential,” Dr. Junglas says. “Dehydration causes some additional fatigue.” Rest, whether sleeping or just taking it easy, helps your body heal itself. It’s also important to try to keep eating healthy foods, even if you don’t have much of an appetite.

Saltwater gargles: If you have a sore throat, gargling a few times a day with salty warm water (1/4 to a ½ a teaspoon of dissolved salt) may help relieve the pain.Lozenges: Various cold lozenges available over-the-counter (OTC) can help relieve a sore throat and some people suck on hard candies with the same effect. Just don’t give them to young children who may swallow them whole.Saline nasal sprays and nose rinses: Salt water (saline) can help reduce inflammation and stuffiness in your nose so it is easier to breathe. Be sure to follow the directions, especially if you are using a nasal rinse.Vitamin C: There are some people who swear by upping their vitamin C, vitamin D, echinacea or zinc intake, particularly within the first day of the symptoms appearing. Or beforehand as a preventative, immune-boosting measure. Consuming Vitamin C through natural sources, such as orange juice and other citrus fruits, does have some natural immune boosting benefits when it comes to the common cold.Supplements are an option for many who are suffering with a cold. There is a lot of debate as to whether some types of supplements can reduce the severity of a cold or shorten it, while others take them to boost their immunity to try to prevent colds altogether.

What about the best over-the-counter cold medicines?

“The jury is out as to whether cold medicines are really helpful, but some people do find relief with certain products,” says Dr. Junglas. “The studies have shown that when used as directed, they rarely hurt anyone.” So while Dr. Junglas doesn’t stop his patients from using OTC cold treatments, he reminds them the best treatment is rest, hydration and time. If you are looking at cold medicines, check the ingredient list. Products with guaifenesin may help reduce cough and thin the mucous, while those with dextromethorphan may help reduce coughing. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, OTC pain relievers, may help relieve aches, pains and headaches, and bring down a fever. Unless their doctor has told them not to take Aspirin, adults may also try it, but Aspirin should never be given to a child or teen who has a viral illness because of a potentially life-threatening reaction called Reye’s syndrome. If you want to try an OTC cold medicine, be sure to speak with your pharmacist or doctor first if you have any medical conditions. For example, some sinus medications include pseudoephedrine to reduce congestion, which should not be used if you have high blood pressure. Your pharmacist may be able to recommend a different product if the one you chose isn’t appropriate for you. If you’re looking for an antihistamine, products containing chlorpheniramine are found in many cold and flu preparations labeled “safe” for persons with hypertension, Dr. Junglas says. “Other antihistamines are diphenhydramine, loratadine, fexofenadine and cetirizine.” It is also important to check what OTC pain relievers are in the cold medicines. This is another reason to check the label. If the product you choose already has acetaminophen or ibuprofen, you shouldn’t take them separately

And cold medicines for kids?

That’s a common question from parents. Dr. Fisher says, “Cold medications have been proven to be pretty ineffective overall, but especially in children. Always consult with your child’s doctor before giving them medication. I tend to lean towards less invasive supportive measures for children, including nasal saline/bulb suction, chest rub and a humidifier to help relieve nasal and chest congestion.” Dr. Junglas also recommends using a humidifier to add moisture to the room air.

How to prevent a cold

Are colds preventable? Given that a cold is spread by someone who already has one, taking proper infection prevention steps would lower your risk of catching a cold yourself or passing it on if you have one already. “Everyday precautions can help to prevent the spread of cold viruses,” Dr. Fisher says. “These include [avoiding] sick contacts, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing your hands often with soap and water and avoiding touching your face.” Dr. Fisher adds that when you wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19, you also reduce the spread of seasonal cold viruses.

What About COVID-19?

Many news reports about COVID-19 list symptoms that are similar to cold symptoms. So what is the difference between COVID-19 symptoms and cold symptoms? Many symptoms, like coughing, sore throat, runny nose and feeling stuffed up can be a sign of either, but COVID-19 has some unique symptoms that colds don’t have, such as a loss of smell and taste. Some people with COVID-19 also experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. “Otherwise, they can be indistinguishable,” Dr. Junglas explains. “The reason a cold, the flu and COVID have similar symptoms is each is a viral infection. The immune system uses the similar processes to cure us of each.” If you do have symptoms that you believe could be COVID-19 instead of a cold, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Up next: Power Up! 17 Simple Health Habits That Can Boost Your Immunity


Corey Fisher, DO, family medicine physician with the Cleveland ClinicPhilip D. Junglas, MD, internist at the Cleveland ClinicNational Institutes of Health: “Understanding a Common Cold Virus”American Lung Association: “Facts About the Common Cold”Cleveland Clinic. “Common Cold”Harvard Health: “Can vitamin C prevent a cold?“Mayo Clinic: “Home Remedies: Cold remedies that workPharmacy Times: “How to Tell the Difference Between Cough/Cold Symptoms and COVID-19” Common Cold Symptoms   Treatment  What is the Common Cold  - 27